089: why I almost left my business (that I love) & WHat brought me back.


089: why I almost left my business (that I love) & WHat brought me back.

Apple Podcasts link | Spotify Podcasts link

I'm back, and excited to share with you what I've been up to and what I've learned in the past few years as I've taken a break from social media and business-as-usual.

It's my hope and intention that you will find your own relief, recognition of your journey, and enough a-ha's from listening in that you will walk away absolutely knowing that you are exactly where you need to be.

Why? So that you can lose any lingering doubts or guilt about where you "should be by now" and finally give yourself full permission to do life and business your way, without caring "how it looks," and trusting with utmost assurance that everything is going to work out beautifully.

Listen to Podcast Episode 89 above.

Plus, I share about my favorite subjects that are coming to the surface right now, like aligning your business and life with the seasons, your monthly cycle, and understanding how to use your intuition and introversion as superpowers!

I'm also excited to hang with you live on my free Spring webinar on 4/22 at 1:00 PM PT, called "How To Tap Into Seasonal Magic For Long-Term Success In Biz & Life: A Spring Reset With Mona Lisa".

I'll lead you through setting your intentions powerfully for this season in both your life and business.

I didn't create anything fancy, just a simple Zoom webinar link where we can reconnect and celebrate and tap into the fresh energy of spring together. You can sign up for free here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_0_MH7pO1Sd-Me8_Hc5y0mA

There will be a replay if you can't make it live.

So get yourself signed up for the webinar, and listen to the latest episode of the Love, Light & Business Podcast to get yourself ready for what's to come.

Let's start again, together. See you soon, love!

Mona Lisa Ondevilla