IT 041: 3 years ago, I hated myself. Here’s what changed.

Transcript available below

Hey lightworkers, it’s Mona Lisa Ondevilla and it’s Intuitive Tuesday, the radio show helping intuitives, introverts and empaths manifest the conscious and abundant life and business that they desire.

So today, I want to dive in deeper to a story that I recently shared.

You know how Facebook shares with you those “1 year ago today” photo memories?

Well, today I got a “three years ago today” photo, and I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.

I remember taking this photo so clearly, like it was yesterday. I was on the beach in Hawaii on a family vacation… and I hated myself.

Every part of my life was in chaos. I don’t even remember what job I had at the time, because my jobs changed so frequently. I don’t remember where I lived at the time, because I moved so frequently.

I didn’t have any friends. My relationship with my husband was going through hell, and I didn’t know if we were going to make it.

I knew I wanted to have a business – I had already gone through B-School and coach training at this point – but it seemed so far away.

I knew I would get there eventually – maybe – but I didn’t know when and I didn’t know how. When my family asked me what I was doing with my life, I would just say something like… “I’m working on my business on the side, and have a job that’s helping me get out of debt and save enough money until my business is successful.”

I don’t think I convinced them. I don’t think I even convinced myself. My life was in too much chaos to even focus on my business, and I had a lot of inner work to do before that was even an option.

So what changed…?

I’ve been wondering the same thing.

If you would have sat beside me on that beach and told me that in 1.5 years, I’d have a successful coaching business, would live in San Diego with my husband and kitty (I didn’t even have a kitty at the time), that I would be traveling to 4 global destinations in a high-level mastermind coaching program, and that I had real friends all over the world… I would have called you insane.

But that’s what happened. Seriously. Yes, I still pinch myself.

And life has been changing so quickly, that I didn’t even realize that was my life only 3 years ago until Facebook showed me that photo.

So… what changed?

As I sit here and write this, I realize that the number one thing that changed was me. I had to transform into the woman who runs a thriving, full-time coaching practice, who lives in a luxurious resort-style community, who has a beautiful relationship with her husband and friends.

That woman in chaos – who I send so much love and support to looking back – was not going to become a #girlbossonfire.

Not a chance in hell.

After I got to the other side of hell – with the help of Gabby Bernstein, Danielle LaPorte, and Wayne Dyer – then I was ready for my dream business to take off.

Only then was I ready for the how-to’s. The plan. A business coach. Action!

The power of being really READY + investing in a coach = really fast change + quantum leaps in business

Investing in your business before you’ve left the chaos is a waste of money. But when you’re ready… your life and business will change so fast that you won’t even know what happened until Facebook shows you a photo 3 years later.

Here are the exact mindset shifts and practical action steps I took towards completely turning my life around:

  1. First, I stopped being the number one buyer of my own struggle story and my own excuses. We all have our own stories – we’re too young, too old, too introverted, too shy, too inexperienced, not ready yet, waiting for the perfect time/financial situation/life situation. A lot of these were my story, and I justified them like crazy. But then, I stopped because I realized the story was completely stopping my forward movement.

  2. Second, I invested in the coaching and programs that I knew would help shortcut my route to success. I had tried to do everything before then on my own – piecing it together by attending different webinars, trainings, online DIY programs, doing my own website – and it was getting me nowhere. I realized that something had to change (in other words, I needed outside help) to make this happen and fast – I no longer wanted to wait 6 months, a year, or two years.

  3. Third, I started taking a lot of inspired action based on the guidance I received from the coaching and programs I had invested in. This time, I was motivated to see it through and not just drop the ball on myself and my business.

  4. Fourth, I stayed centered and bubbled myself in positive energy and wealth consciousness until I started seeing success. I simply wasn’t available to hearing anything that opposed my desires – no one’s negativity or nay-saying could permeate my energy field.

That’s it. Looking through this list, I realize that I still do these 4 steps to this day. I may not have the same struggle story anymore, but I still face a different set of fears and demons as I grow my business and continue to journey on this path of personal transformation (it never ends).

I still heavily invest in myself and my business – that’s a negotiable, and my business wouldn’t be where it is today without those financial investments. Also, I still take a lot of inspired action daily, and am committed to staying centered and connected to the Universe via wealth consciousness exercises and meditation. These 4 steps changed my life.

So that’s all, I hope that this simple list inspires you to take action for yourself, because it’s really not as complicated as we make it. It can be so simple, if we allow it to.

I hope that this has served you, and I’ll see you next Tuesday, for the next episode of Intuitive Tuesday.