IT 052: "Is what I'm offering worth what I'm charging?"


IT 052 Podcast Information:

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In today's episode of Intuitive Tuesday, I answer the question... "is my coaching I’m offering worth what I’m charging?"

3 Questions To Ask Yourself:

  1. What’s the end “result” of the program?A transformation, a BIG step forward with their… (insert what you do here). Health. Relationship. Career. Business. Can you get clear on their takeaways from your signature program? The more tangible the better.A lot of times I hear women tell me what they offer isn’t tangible, and I get that – clients come to me for business coaching and get SO MUCH more. But I lead with what they are coming to me for – which is helping them creating signature programs and funnels that allow them to get ideal clients online in a heart-centered, aligned way.Knowing your ideal client will allow you to tailor a signature program to them so that the value is crystal clear.When you create a signature program that supports a specific ideal client with a specific strong desire, pricing becomes irrelevant. It all depends on where YOUR pricing vibration is.

  2. For your ideal client, what’s the end result worth to them?Say for example, you're a relationship coach and you're helping women become confident and magnetic so she can call in her soulmate. What would becoming the woman who exudes allure, confidence, and magnetic vibes to her future soulmate be worth to this woman? Again, it comes back to knowing your ideal client!

  3. Have you received coaching? If so, then reflect on how it has changed YOUR life. What was that worth to you?If not… I’d ask yourself if you are actually thoroughly convinced in the power of coaching. And if so, why you haven’t invested in it yourself! You cannot ask your clients to do what you yourself will not do.