IT 010: How To Use Energy To Manifest Your Goals


Today, I’m so excited to show you how to manifest your goals with the help of your number one resource - energy! I’m going to share my practice for following through on goals and how to avoid the pitfalls that so many resolution-makers fall into (myself included!)

2016 Is Your Year To Manifest Abundance!

Today also happens to be my very FIRST Podcast of 2016! This year is going to be crazy amazing, and I’m not just saying that because it’s a New Year.

This year is charged with the energy of making things happen, and receiving the blessings we’ve been working so hard to manifest.

So while 2015 was the year of planting seeds and of setting a foundation, 2016 is the year of taking action and collecting our bounties.

If that resonates with you, and you’re ready to take action and receive your rewards from the Universe, then click here to listen to today’s Podcast in iTunes or here to listen to it on my website. Or, read the transcript below.

**Important Note!! YAY, hallelujah, thank Uni… my Podcast in iTunes is fixed, just in time for 2016! If you’ve subscribed to my feed before, please click here to make sure you’re still subscribed so you can receive our weekly updates. If you’re a new subscriber, welcome – past episodes are all loaded into iTunes and ready for you to binge-listen to! Happy New Year!!**

Today, I am diving into my absolute favorite topics – energy and manifesting!

Specifically, I’m going to show you how to use your energy to manifest your goals.

First, I’m going to explain what I mean when I refer to “energy” and how it shows up when you’re making goals.

Second, I’m going to give you an exercise that I use daily to manifest my goals with intention and positive energy. I’ve used it to manifest everything from my dream career and dream business, to my husband and money earned in alignment with my purpose. Today, I’m going to show you exactly how to do that for yourself.

Before I tell you about how to use energy to manifest, I thought it would be helpful to define energy.

Energy is quite literally, the frequency of vibrations.

It’s the vibrations we give off, the energy of people around us, even plants – everything gives off energy. Even inanimate objects can be charged with energy – think crystals, talismans, malabeads. Even my workout clothes have energy - the energy of working out!

Everything has energy – there are low energy vibes, and high energy vibes. The key to manifesting your goals is to get on the same energy vibe of your goals.

Have you ever heard the theory that you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with? This is because, as energetic beings, we tend to match the energetic vibrations of those around us. People can affect us with the energy they have in regards to fitness, money, travel, lifestyle, health, and so on.

What do people around you think about goal setting?

So let’s bring this all back to the energy of goal setting, since it is the New Year. Now, I want you to think about the 5 people you spend the most time with – what are their beliefs on goal setting?

If they don’t align with how you want to feel when it comes to setting goals, listen up, because I have a quick tip that will help you overcome this.

I want you to intentionally infuse your environment with people who are aligned with your goal-setting values.

This is super important. They do not have to be people you personally know – they can be authors, bloggers, or experts.

For example, you listening to this Podcast right now is a great way for you to infuse my own energy towards goal-setting into your life.

Now, I want you to get clear on your own thoughts on goal setting? What’s your energy like when you think of goal setting? Are you excited? Inspired? Daunted? Overwhelmed? Tired? Cynical? Thrilled?

This is important to know because the energy with which you set your goals will directly influence how the goals will feel when they become real.





Marianne Williamson said,CLICK TO TWEET: “Everything we do is infused with the energy with which we do it. If we’re frantic, life will be frantic. If we’re peaceful, life will be peaceful. And so our goal in any situation becomes inner peace.”

The outcome of your goal-setting practice will be closely aligned to the energy you hold when you manifest.

Still with me? Good!

Now, I want to teach you the exercise that I use twice a day (once right when I wake up in the morning, and once before I sleep). This exercise is based from the book, Think and Grow Rich from Napoleon Hill, which is a must-read book for anyone interested in manifesting and accumulating wealth (and this should be everyone!). It’s .99 on Amazon, so go ahead and download it if you have a Kindle!

My Daily Exercise For Manifesting With Energy

Every morning and night I recite my Desire Statement (a.k.a. my goal) out loud. This is composed of what I desire and by when – I give it a deadline. Then, I energize my Desire Statement with the energy of my goal by meditating for 5-15 minutes on what my life will look like once I achieve my goal. I always end up smiling really wide a few minutes in, because it feels so amazing, which is really good – this is manifesting through energy at its finest!

Now, I want you to take action. Write our your Desire Statement, and recite it out loud to yourself before bed and upon rising. After you read it, sit in the energy of what the attainment of that goal feels like.

Awesome! That’s all for today, lightworkers! I’m excited to hear all about your success and what you manifest in the next month. I hope that this has served you, and I’ll see you next, next Tuesday for the next episode of Intuitive Tuesday.

To listen to today's Podcast in iTunes, click here.