IT 019: How to Know If You’re Really a Lightworker (And What Type Of Lightworker You Are)


Listen to today’s Podcast in iTunes here, or directly on my website here. Or, read the complete transcript below.

Today’s Intuitive Tuesday Podcast is definitely for you if you’ve ever wondered… what type of lightworker am I? Am I even a lightworker at all? What is a lightworker?

I am super excited to introduce a new feature for the Intuitive Tuesday Podcast – Q & A’s! I often get asked very similar types of questions, and thought it would be fun to answer them here so everyone can benefit.

So if you have a burning question to ask about creating and living a lightworker life and business, please submit it to [email protected] - you never who you could be helping out, and there’s a good chance I’ll be featuring it soon!

Today’s question comes from Andrea, and she asks… “How can you bring your lightworker life into your business if you are in a more traditional role? I’m curious about how to bring it to my training business.”

Awesome question, Andrea! I’m really happy to answer this question, because it’s a sentiment that I hear a lot.

To answer your question, I’ll start by defining what a lightworker is, so we’re on the same page.

Then, I’ll give you some examples about how to bring your light work into your every day life, whether you have a service-based business, product-based business, traditional career, work full-time as a mom, or if you’re still looking for direction.

Alright, so first… let me define what a lightworker is.

What is a Lightworker?

In my opinion, a lightworker is anyone who is on a journey to live more consciously and with intention, for the purpose of living a joyous life.

OK, let’s break this definition down into 3 parts!

Lightworker 101: Living More Consciously

The first part is “living more consciously”. What does that mean? This speaks to the process of stripping away the unconscious habits, thought patterns and actions that we’ve done for so long, especially those that harm us and work in the background. If you always sabotage yourself, feel overwhelmed, have a tendency to procrastinate, or do anything and wonder “why,” it’s because of a fear or belief running in the background.

Living more consciously is the process of getting to know your fears, and doing the work to dissolve them.

It’s about bringing your own actions into the light and holding yourself accountable for what you see. It’s about examining the limiting beliefs that have been running your life, just under the surface. It’s getting curious about your automatic reactions, and then loving yourself as you heal and become more whole.

So what does this look like in real life? Using spiritual tools, like The Cure to interrupt negative patterns, like success-crippling procrastination and perfection, or staying in a poverty mindset because you’re afraid of the consequences of wealth and success.

Lightworker 101: Living With Intention

The second part is about living with intention, which goes hand in hand with living consciously – they’re two sides of the same coin. Living with intention is about bringing a level of presence to your life, and showing up as fully as you can in the choices you make.

It’s about making decisions that reflect the way you want to live, like living in a home that feels just right, or working in a purposeful job, or owning a business that fuels your soul. It’s about aligning your values with how you spend your time, how you parent, how you eat, how you love.

Lightworker 101: Living More Consciously

The last part of the definition is “For the purpose of living a joyous life,” which is pretty self-explanatory – the goal of all of this, the goal of every lightworker, is to feel good, and to live a life that you love and celebrate, every day.

To summarize, to be a lightworker means you are on a journey to live more consciously and with intention, for the purpose of living a joyous life.

As you go through and do these things, you will inevitably shine your own light brighter, and either indirectly inspire others who witness your light and lifestyle, or directly inspire others through your chosen profession.

Just to clarify: helping others directly is not a requirement of being a lightworker, but it’s often a side effect of going on the journey– many of us can’t help but want to share the amazing things we’ve learned on our journey with the world!

Also, I didn’t say anything about having to wear crystals, malabeads, or getting regular energy healings – being a lightworker doesn’t require any of that (though those things are super fun, and you’ll most likely find yourself gravitating towards them eventually!).

How Do I Be a Lightworker ALL The Time?

For the first 6 years of my journey, I didn’t identify with being a lightworker, especially not full time. I felt really divided in the beginning– like my peaceful, zen side was a totally different person than the person I was in my “real” life.

I remember being so frustrated, and even asking Gabby Bernstein when I was in her group coaching program (back when she coached small groups of 30 in a yoga studio in NYC!), how to be a lightworker all the time, not part of the time. I felt like a big time fraud.

She looked at me, smiling, a little amused, and said… honey, it’s a process, and it’s totally okay.

I didn’t love the answer at the time, and I wanted to say, but YOU’RE a lightworker all of the time, but now I get it - she was right.

As You Shine Brighter… You’ll Inspire Others to Shine, Too

Sure enough, slowly, as I did the work, I couldn’t help but bring my light to all areas of my life. It started to infiltrate everything, slowly at first, and then faster. The light eventually even reached the darkest of places in my life, the places I thought would never heal and change.

This is where the huge changes take place. But you’ve got to stick with the work. It can take years, but let me tell you, the time will pass anyway, and this is the most important work of your life!

How to Bring Your Lightwork to Your Every Day Life

Alright, so now I’m going to give you some examples of how to bring your light work into your every day life, whether you have a service-based business, product-based business, work in a traditional career, a a full-time mom, or if you’re still looking for direction.

The very first thing that people think of when they think of being a lightworker is having a service-based business. And this is pretty accurate– we naturally tend to gravitate towards owning a service based business because we love helping other’s live in a more conscious, intentional and joyous way.

This could be as a coach, nutritionist, trainer (like you, Andrea!), yoga teacher, doula… the list goes on. You are bringing your lightworker life into your business, simply by being a lightworker yourself, and showing up.

Even if you don’t directly use the word lightworker, or even mention the word manifest or the Universe, your presence will inspire and heal others. You will begin to attract people into your practice who need your light.

If you own a product-based business, this applies to you as well! Your products will ooze your energy, your intention, your personality, your light. Give conscious attention to your branding and packaging, as they will often speak on your behalf.

Also, like service-based businesses, you should be in regular contact with your customers, through your newsletter and social media outlets – these are places to intentionally infuse your personality with your writing, pictures, and lightworker stories.

A Prayer for Lightworker Businesses

Whether you own a product or service based business, I invite you to recite a prayer for your angels and the Universe to hear.

Here’s an example of what I say, which you can customize for your service:

Please send me women who would really benefit from my service as a _________, who I can truly help and who would be a pleasure to work with. If their life can be changed as a result of working with me, help them find my workshops, programs, Instagram, or Podcast, and nudge them along, whispering in their ears, so they can eventually either say yes to working with me, or see the blog post they need to see that will change their life. Thank you.

Then release it to the Universe. And I kid you not – almost all of my clients say they found me through a divine coincidence, and that they simply felt like they needed to click on my ad, email me, or get into contact with me. It happens all the time.

Don’t Own a Business? You’re Still a Lightworker!

And finally, if you fall into any of the other lightworker categories (if you’re a full time mom, have a traditional career, or if you’re still trying to figure it all out), all of the same rules still apply – work your light by living a more conscious, intentional and joyous life.

Remember, you don’t have to own a certain type of business to be a lightworker – in fact, you don’t even have to own a business at all!

Strategically Place Lightworker Tools In Your Life

If you’re like how I was and tend to forget your lightwork when you’re in the “real world,” strategically place some lightworker tools in your daily life. I have a client who hangs mala beads in her car, and says her mantra on her way to pick up her kids.

If you have a 9-5 job, decorate your desk with a salt lamp, crystals, and quotes (that’s what I did!). And if you’re still trying to figure it out… be gentle with yourself, and do the work of living consciously, and with intention, for the purpose of living a joyous life. The rest will fall into place.

I hope this answered your question, Andrea! I know this was a long answer, but I definitely wanted to address this question properly, because it’s been a topic I’ve wanted to cover for awhile! Thank you so much for submitting it!

Remember, if you have a question you want answered on this Podcast, send an email with your name and question to [email protected].

That’s all for today, lightworkers! I hope that this has served you, and I will see you next, next Tuesday, for the next episode of Intuitive Tuesday.